Water Conservation

Water Conservation

Spanish Fork City is committed to water conservation. From infrastructure updates to policy changes and rebates/grants that are offered,  we regularly evaluate methods to improve our drinking water and pressurized irrigation systems.

What is the City Doing to Conserve Water?

Smart Controller Project

Spanish Fork City's Smart Controller project set out with a goal to provide residents a smart controller for their pressurized irrigation system, which automatically adjusts their sprinkler schedule to reduce watering during times rainy days, and reduces peak demands on the City's pressurized irrigation. Learn more about the Smart Controller Project or apply for a smart controller.

Meter Updates

The Water Division diligently works to maintain the water meter system and is now updating meters to read in a 1-gallon resolution, which will significantly help with identifying customer leaks throughout the city. The meter reading system recently underwent an upgrade to give city staff the ability to analyze water usage data more efficiently and troubleshoot meters in need of replacement.

Utility Usage Portal

The City received federal funding to implement a usage portal. The portal allows residents to track their daily water usage down to the gallon for both drinking and irrigation water. The purpose of the program is to allow residents the opportunity to take control of their own water usage by setting alerts when a threshold is reached, setting vacation alerts which can help identify leaks when there should be no water readings, and set consumption goals. Visit spanishfork.org/usageportal to sign up.

Metered Pressurized Irrigation & Tiered Rates

Spanish Fork was the first city in Utah to meter pressurized irrigation. Metering use means that residents and businesses are charged for what they use. Doing this encourages conservation through a financial incentive not to water. Additionally, the tiered rate system bills heavy water users at a higher rate.

Reduce Water on City Properties

With the extreme drought in 2021, all City properties have established a conservation plan. All of the park maintenance crews have raised the blade of their lawn mowers to promote the grass to withstand the heat while using less water.

Conservation Tips

Check for leaks in your Drinking Water and Pressurized Irrigation systems

A leaking sprinkler system or hose bib can waste a significant amount of water. To check for leaks:
  • Turn everything off that uses water
  • Check your meter and write down the current reading (include tenths)
  • Check the meter again after one hour. If the meter has changed, you have a leak.


  • Consider installing water-efficient plumbing fixtures. Toilets installed before 1993 generally use 2 to 4 times more water than newer toilets. These can either be replaced or a glass quart jar without a lid may be placed in the tank.
  • Keep a jug of drinking water in the refrigerator instead of running tap water until cold.
  • Cut your shower time by 1 minute and avoid baths as much as possible.
  • Shut off the tap while brushing your teeth.


  • Connect to Spanish Fork City Pressurized Irrigation system on your sprinkler system and for all outdoor watering.
  • Install a Smart Controller for your sprinkler and irrigation system that is equipped with weather sensing technology and/or moisture control.
  • Complete a DIY Water Check to evaluate your sprinkler system. 
  • Updating and designing your irrigation system by using efficient sprinkler heads for even ground coverage and drip systems on other vegetation like bushes, trees, and gardens. Visit Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper to find a professional.
  • Avoid watering your landscaping during high wind conditions. There is a phenomenon known as Wind Drift and Evaporation Loss where you can literally lose to wind evaporation a significant portion of the water you are attempting to apply. Learn more about how Spanish Fork City’s Smart Controller Program can reduce the impacts of wind drift and evaporation loss.
  • As the weather and seasons change, adjust your watering schedule accordingly. Follow the weekly lawn watering guide for a recommended watering schedule.
  • Setting your lawnmower to the right height promotes deeper roots and healthy green grass while using less water. Most local grasses thrive at a height of between 2 to 4 inches.
  • Leave small grass clippings on the lawn as a nutrient source or invest in a mulching lawnmower.
  • Aerate your lawn to increase the amount of water the ground soaks in. This is best done in the spring or fall.
  • Control weeds -- weeds steal water from your other plants.
  • Plant drought-resistant trees and plants.  Check out water-wise plants or consult with a local nursery for more information.
  • Place mulch in planting beds to reduce evaporation.
  • Use hardscape landscaping such as patios, walks, statuary, pavers, etc.
  • Use a shut-off spray nozzle whenever using a hose.
  • Clean driveways, patios, and decks with a broom instead of a hose.

Water Conservation Rebate Programs

The Central Utah Water Conservancy District offers many different rebate programs. For more information on water conservation-related rebates offered for programs like Flip Your Strip, Toilet Replacement, Smart Controllers, or to sign up for the Localscapes Rewards Program, visit the CUWCD Rebates page.

Other Conservation Resources