Bicycle and Trail Facilities

Public Works

Utah County Master Plan
Utah County currently has a trail system master plan adopted for the entire county. This plan includes trails along the Spanish Fork River, the Mill Race Canal, and the High Line Canal. The High Line Canal trail is part of the regional Bonneville Shore Trail that will eventually link communities along the Wasatch Front from Brigham City to Nephi.

Spanish Fork Trails Map
Spanish Fork City has developed a Trails Plan (Map TP-1) which includes the County designated trails, as well as various connecting trails and intracity routes. Multiple use trails will be developed along the Spanish Fork River for pedestrians, bicyclists, in-line skaters, and equestrian users. Other trails will connect segments of the City to these trails.

Bicycle routes or lanes will also be included in the overall plan. Most will be lanes within the wider streets in the older parts of town, and along collector and arterial streets in the newer areas. It is possible that some will be detached from the roadway surface where rights-of-way are sufficient to allow. The routes will be designed and developed to encourage the use of bicycles as an alternate transportation method, with schools, shopping, and employment centers as destinations.