
Emergency Preparedness

Before an Earthquake
Store enough food and water to last for 72 hours, preferably for one week. Prepare a shelter or evacuation kit for your pet, including an unbreakable dish, veterinarian records, a restraint (leash or pet carrier) and medication with instructions.

Keep your pet’s ID tag up-to-date.

Make sure nothing can fall on your pet.

Arrange for a neighbor to take care of your pet if you are not able to get home after an earthquake.

When preparing your home for an earthquake, don’t forget to include your pets on the list. They will depend on you even more after and earthquake to take care of them and their needs.

During and After an Earthquake
Do not try to hold on to your pet during the shaking. Animals will instinctively protect themselves and hide where they’re safe. If you get in their way, even the nicest pets can turn on you.

Be patient with your pets after a quake. They get stressed just like people and need time to readjust. They may disappear for some time, but they generally show up again when things have calmed down.

If you have outdoor pets, you should keep them indoors until the aftershocks have subsided and they have calmed down.

If you must evacuate your home, leave your pet secured in a safe place. Pets will not be allowed at shelters. Be sure to leave plenty of clean water and food. If possible, visit pet daily until you can return home.

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