Fire Prevention

Office Location & Hours

370 N Main St
By Appointment

Contact Us

Phone: 801-804-4755

The goal of Fire Prevention is to stop fires before they start. The hard-working men and women of Spanish Fork Fire & EMS are here to keep residents safe through fire prevention and code enforcement. If you have questions, concerns, or need to schedule an inspection, call 801-804-4755.
-Jason Turner, Fire Marshal

Burn Permit

Burn permit applications are only available during the permit season (March 1 to May 30). For questions, call 801-804-4703


Permit Application (Prior to Burning)

  1. Complete the City’s Online Burn Permit Application

  2. Pay the City's $15 burn permit fee online (part of the form in step 1)

Steps on the Day of Burning

  1. Call Utah County Burn line (801-851-2876) to confirm that it is a green burn day

  2. Make sure you have the City Application on hand when you burn.

  3. Be Safe!

Terms & Conditions for Burning

  • Only burn yard waste. Absolutely no burning of tires, plastic products, coated wire, or building products (including treated wood).

  • Burning must occur more than 50 feet from any building, structure, or other combustible materials. Items not grown on the property cannot be burned.

  • No burning of stumps, or limbs 4” or larger.

  • No burning ground clearing material, where material is for development purposes.

  • Only burn within the permitted time period (March 1 to May 30).

  • Only burn when atmospheric conditions indicate it is safe, as determined by the Utah County Burn Index. Call the Utah County Burn Line at 801-851-2876 prior to every burn for daily burn index.

  • Only burn when local conditions do not make it hazardous, such as high winds.

  • Make sure to have an adequate water supply or other fire extinguishing equipment available.

  • Burning must be constantly attended by a competent adult and shall be completely extinguished before being left unattended (failure to do so is a Class B Misdemeanor).

  • Put in any needed fuel breaks and have a plan if your fire gets out of control.

  • All fires shall be completely extinguished before dark.

  • Applicant shall notify adjacent neighbors prior to burning.

  • Such burning shall not pose a threat to forest, range, or watershed lands.

  • Applicant shall call the Utah County Burn Line (801-851-2876) for burn index and complete the state burn application for each day you plan to burn.

  • Applicant is responsible for the costs associated with suppressing a fire that escapes their control.

Are recreational fires allowed?

Yes, recreational fires are allowed, but only under the conditions set out in the current International Fire Code (IFC) :

  • For clarity, a fire pit includes belowground pits, freestanding fireplaces, and portable devices intended to contain and control outdoor fires.
  • All below-ground fire pits shall be at least four inches in depth and shall be surrounded on the outside, aboveground, by a non-combustible material such as steel, brick, or masonry. The fire pit cannot exceed three feet in diameter, nor may the fire pile exceed two feet in height.
  • Fire pits may be used in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and these regulations:
    • Only natural firewood/commercial logs may be burned. Burning of lumber, pallets, scrap wood, tree trimmings, leaves, yard waste, paper, cardboard, garbage, and similar items is not permitted.
    • All fire pits must be located away from any structure or combustible material.
    • Belowground fire pits and freestanding fireplaces must be located a minimum of 25 feet away from any structure or combustible material.
    • Portable fire pits must be located a minimum of 15 feet away from any structure or combustible material.
  • The fire must be constantly attended and supervised until the fire has been completely extinguished.
  • A portable fire extinguisher or other approved extinguishing equipment, such as a garden hose, dirt, sand, or water barrel must be readily available
  • Any fires that produce objectionable or offensive smoke or odor are prohibited.
  • Fires may not be burned between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m.
  • When current conditions or local circumstances make fires hazardous, fires are also prohibited.
  • IFC 307.4.2 Recreational fires shall not be conducted within 25 feet of a structure or combustible material. Conditions that could cause a fire to spread within 25 feet of a structure shall be eliminated prior to ignition.
  • IFC 307.4.3 Portable outdoor fireplaces shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and shall not be operated within 15 feet of a structure or combustible material.

One of the most common problems with recreational fires is that there is a potential of unwanted smoke and odor. Sometimes the smoke can irritate neighbors or possibly affect those with health problems. The best practice is to let them know why you are starting the fire beforehand. Also, if the smoke becomes a nuisance, and they let you know, it should be extinguished. As a fire department, we will require the fire to be put out if we receive complaints about the smoke or odor.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to call or text us at (801) 804-4540.