Development Applications

Spanish Fork City Development Application Fees

Fiscal Year 2025 - Effective 07/01/2024 - 06/30/2025
Application Fee Municipal Code
Annexation Petition $360 + $1,080 §15.3.08
Board of Adjustments Petition $420  
Conditional Use Permit $420 §15.3.08
Final Plat Review per Plat $2,307 §15.4.04
Final Plat Review per Lot $116  
General Plan $420 §15.2.04
Minor Plat Amendment $600 §15.4.04
Minor Subdivision per Plat $600 §15.4.04
Preliminary Plat Review per Plat $2,657 §15.4.04
Preliminary Plat Review per Lot (0-75) $111  
Preliminary Plat Review per Lot (76-199) $68  
Preliminary Plat Review per Lot (200+) $42  
Site Plan $3,361  
Zone Change (Map/Text) $420  
Zone Verification $50  

To make a development application, please visit citiznservelogosmall

Applicable land use regulations and standards include the following:

Preliminary Plat Application

The following are general requirements regarding a Preliminary Plat application. For more detailed information see Spanish Fork Municipal Code § and §

  • Pre-application meeting with the Community Development Director.
  • Preliminary Plat Review fee plus a per lot fee to be set in the Spanish Fork City Budget.
  • A computer aided design (CAD) file of the plans in a dwg format.
  • A PDF file of the plat.
  • Soils Report. The developer must provide a detailed soils report addressing the following issues for the subdivision: hill stabilization, road design including CBR or existing soils, foundation design, groundwater impacts, and general soil stability. The report must be stamped and signed by a Civil Engineer licensed in the state of Utah. The report shall include a minimum groundwater height factor for a peak month in a wet year for the lowest buildable floor elevation. The lowest buildable floor elevation shall be a minimum of three (3) feet above the highest groundwater level in a wet year. Foundation drains shall be required as outlined in §
  • Storm Water Plan. The developer must provide a detailed storm water plan for the subdivision according to the Storm Water Drainage Design Manual. This plan shall include all calculations showing that it meets all the requirements of the Construction Standards and the Drainage Design Manual. Plans and calculations must be stamped and signed by a civil engineer licensed in the state of Utah.
  • Traffic Impact Study. The developer must submit a traffic impact study performed by a professional engineer licensed in the state of Utah, unless waived by the City Engineer.
  • Wetland Delineation Study. If the City Engineer or designee determines that there are potential wetlands in a development the Developer shall submit a wetlands delineation by a qualified wetlands scientist. This delineation will be reviewed by a qualified wetlands scientist hired by the city. All costs for the delineation and review shall be borne by the developer.
  • Title Report. The developer shall provide the City with a title report showing clear title for all of the properties in the proposed development.
  • Other Jurisdictional Approvals. The developer shall acquire approvals from any agency or company having affected properties or utilities.
  • In addition to the above, a Master Planned Development, §, subdivision packet shall include:
    • a project overview,
    • plat drawings,
    • product elevations,
    • landscape plan,
    • description and design of amenities,
    • CC&R's, and
    • soil reports.
  • The description and design of amenities shall include:
    • detailed drawings and pictures of proposed playgrounds,
    • open space,
    • trails,
    • streetscapes,
    • architectural variety,
    • fencing, and
    • any other items deemed necessary by the City Planner.

Final Plat Application

The following are general requirements regarding a Final Plat application. For more detailed information see Spanish Fork Municipal Code § and §

  • Final Plat Review fee plus a per lot fee to be set in the Spanish Fork City Budget.
  • A computer aided design (CAD) file of the plans in a dwg format.
  • A PDF file of the plat.
  • Construction Plans. A complete set of construction plans must accompany the Final Plat. Construction plans must meet the requirements of Title 15 as well as the standards found in Chapter 39.20 Improvement and Design Requirements of the Construction Standards. (Policy 4.39 Construction Standards)
  • Soils Reports. A Final Plat Soils Report shall provide a detail of lot by lot summary addressing finished floor elevation including basements. The report shall include a minimum groundwater height factor for peak month in a wet year, and also address all Hillside Development Standards. The basement finished floor shall be a minimum elevation of three (3) feet above the highest groundwater level in a wet year.
  • Storm Water Plan. The developer shall provide a final drainage plan and report according to the Storm Water Drainage Design Manual.
  • Mass Grading Plan. The developer shall provide a final subdivision grading plan showing each individual property. The site shall be designed to eliminate flooding or standing water on any private property.