City General Plan

Community Development

Land Use Element of the General Plan
Spanish Fork City's Land Use Element of the General Plan provides a snapshot of Spanish Fork City today, a vision for tomorrow, development policy guidance for decision-makers and a work program that outlines the steps required to achieve the City's goals.

The Land Use Element is a state-mandated document that represents the long-range vision for the development of the City. It can also be said that the Land Use Element is an official collection of the City's major policies concerning future physical development. The Element states the City's objectives in terms of goals and policies. The policies outlined in the document are expressly designed to achieve the plan's goals.

The Element is more than a colored map indicating what is to be done with each parcel of land; it is an outline of the goals and policies that the citizens and government officials want for their community. When evaluating proposals, decision makers refer to the Element to measure whether the proposal achieves the goals prescribed therein. The document is forward looking in that it projects the vision for the community at buildout. As Spanish Fork City may not achieve buildout for many decades, the document must be periodically updated to reflect the City's current vision for its future.

Land Use Element
Land Use Plan (document)
Land Use Plan Map

You might also see the Spanish Fork Municipal Code.